Sunday, March 25, 2012

Happy Sabbath, (saintly thoughts)

This is what I found last night, looking for my blog! Ha ha. And from Denver too, Mel. Denver has EVERYTHING! (I know, you saw that on your trip to Hawaii!) Why the name "Park Burgers?" Well, I'll tell ya. We are the Park Family and we live in the Burg (Rexburg). It has taken me a long time to let go of my beloved Colorado and Idaho Falls a few years ago. It took me years to start loving quirky old Idaho Falls but I was downright sad to leave my town, routine, wonderful charter school, and dear dear friends. But as we have made our home here the last few years, I can see, I have all I need for a happy life, here or anywhere for that matter. I have a loving husband, who works hard to provide, protect, and preside over our family. (See The Family Proclamation) I have my career, my five girls, that go everywhere I go. I work from home and can travel with my job whenever I want. Long hours but it is what I chose and what I love. And I have my faith. That also goes everywhere I go. It is the same all over the world. In Denver, in Idaho Falls and even here in the Burg. These are my big three that are all number one in my life and I can be happy wherever I am as long as I have them. I am thankful to finally be at this point in my life. Settled in and happy to be where I am. Happy Sabbath!

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