Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Tales from the Toilet....
My frugal kids. I have taught them well. I went into the bathroom to take a quick pee and look how much tp they left me. I have to say, I have done such a good job teaching them to be frugal and just use 2 squares of toilet paper. What amazing little girls I have...
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Scammers are everywhere....even on vaca in London
We are trying to sell our old water heater on craigslist. At this point, we would just like anyone to come by and pick it up.
Two days ago someone emailed asking, "still avalible?" So I replied, "Yup, come pick it up...(with my phone number....)
Last night I received this reply from some guy named Gary Meghan:
SO wanted it to be real but could tell it wasn't. Hubby and I laughed so hard last night thinking of funny ways to reply. Here is the one he did today:
Sweet! Thanks Gary. We have been trying to unload this water heater for quite some time now. I know it has many good years of service left in it. We appreciate your offer for an additional $20 to compensate for the delay.
We forgot to mention in our original listing that we can only sell the water heater to someone who is willing to collect the appliance in person with either a rhinoceros or a hippopotamus. I hope you can understand, we have found that any other method of transport will damage either our imported Roman cobble stones or the experimental Elf-Grass in front of our house.
We are prepared to compensate you for the added inconvenience however, by including our new Honda Odyssey with the sale of the water heater (no additional cost of course). The van is only slightly used and is great for a traveler like yourself.
Please let me know if you are still interested by sending us your social security number and date of birth. Thanks again for buying our stuff and we look forward to the up coming transaction.
PS: Say hello to the Queen for me.
Two days ago someone emailed asking, "still avalible?" So I replied, "Yup, come pick it up...(with my phone number....)
Last night I received this reply from some guy named Gary Meghan:
I'm glad it's still for sale. I'm going on a vacation to London but I will
instruct my assistant to prepare and mail you your payment which I'm sure
you will get it in about 5 - 7 business days. I'll add $20 extra for the
delay. Check/Money order is the means I can pay you with. If this is
acceptable by you, Send me your info i.e full name, mailing address and
your phone number so payment can be mail out immediately.I will also make
arrangement for pick-up which will be after you must have received and
cashed the Check ..
Awaiting your info
SO wanted it to be real but could tell it wasn't. Hubby and I laughed so hard last night thinking of funny ways to reply. Here is the one he did today:
Sweet! Thanks Gary. We have been trying to unload this water heater for quite some time now. I know it has many good years of service left in it. We appreciate your offer for an additional $20 to compensate for the delay.
We forgot to mention in our original listing that we can only sell the water heater to someone who is willing to collect the appliance in person with either a rhinoceros or a hippopotamus. I hope you can understand, we have found that any other method of transport will damage either our imported Roman cobble stones or the experimental Elf-Grass in front of our house.
We are prepared to compensate you for the added inconvenience however, by including our new Honda Odyssey with the sale of the water heater (no additional cost of course). The van is only slightly used and is great for a traveler like yourself.
Please let me know if you are still interested by sending us your social security number and date of birth. Thanks again for buying our stuff and we look forward to the up coming transaction.
PS: Say hello to the Queen for me.
The sad thing is, without Hubby, I probably would have tried to make it work. How dumb could I be? I felt off about it as soon as I read it. Looking back, this has reminded me of a decision we made years ago. (NO, I am not talking about the kids. They were a good decision...All five!) Anyway, it turned out bad and we suffered but I think that my pride suffered most. I can't believe I am so far from the spirit that I can't tell when to walk away. Something I still need to work on, I suppose. I am thankful to laugh with my hubby. He has such a good out look on it all. And I keep chuckling at, "Say hello to the Queen for me!".....
UPDATE: Hubby tried to call Better Business Bureau to CC them and they advised we don't respond. PLHAH. They are no fun. Oh well, we got our laughs in anyway!
UPDATE: Hubby tried to call Better Business Bureau to CC them and they advised we don't respond. PLHAH. They are no fun. Oh well, we got our laughs in anyway!
I was driving the kids around the next town down, where Daddy works, and we stopped in to say hi. I made them all stay in the car while I popped in to get him. As we are saying our good-bye's #3 leans over my shoulder in the drivers seat to stick her head out the window. With her mouth very near my ear, she uses her best -I-am-so-picked-on- whiny voice to yell, "DAAAAAAADDDD, SHE SAID I AM ANNOYING!" I couldn't help but laugh, "Did that just happen?" Thank you for proving your sister right, you ARE being annoying. But we all take turns...Gotta love those long days in the car...
Last night we put some bath water in while finishing up a evening snack. Then, #4 went to the bathroom. I was coming in to see if she could get in the bath just then and came to find water ALL OVER THE FLOOR...She looked up and me and proceeded to tell the funniest fib any of my kids have ever tried. I have to be honest, I think she got the idea to tell a fib from the fib book we checked out of the library a bit ago. Hmmmm. #4 told me, and then her Dad who came to see the show, that DOLPHINS splashed. You know, these:
That's right, our sweet little four year old looked up at us with her angelic eyes and told us that dolphins came in and splashed the tub water out. There she stands with her hair wet, clothes on and such an, "I am totally innocent, just look how cute I am," look on her face. It was hard not to burst out in giggles. When Dad asked where the dolphins went, she told us they turned invisible. Hmmm. Dolphins aren't that clever....She did eventually break down and tell me it was her, as she flung herself dramatically into my arms and burst into tears of a broken heart. Oh the drama lama's we have in this house!
Sunday, June 24, 2012
My sis-in-law (married to my big bro) was driving by in April and stopped in to say hi. What a gal. It was such a treat to have her visit and see her fun boys. They ran around with the ladies and had a ball. I am lucky to have this lady in my life. She is a kick to be around, fun and uplifting, level headed and creative. She sends my kids birthday cards always and on time and she is always coming up with some great on-liners...I love her guts and am so thankful to call her SISTER....
This spring we went to get some shots for the baby and I had to snap a pix of this wall. This is right as you walk in, directing to the waiting rooms. SO funny. Laugh every time. I have decided since then NOT to give my kids shots anymore. Hubby is thinking just maybe when they are older, so we will see, but for now, I am done. My baby had a hard time with her last bunch of shots. It scared me a little too much. She wasn't fevered or sick. She just wasn't. It was right when my mom was here and at first I thought she was just having a hard time warming up to my mom. Nope. She came back to us after a week and that got me really thinking. I just haven't felt great about them for a long time. It is time to listen to that. I am thankful for modern medicine and all it does. This is just a personal decision for now and we will see where it takes us. (But isn't that painting cute, really!)
Easter 2012
Easter...#1 and #2 were thinking I am a little mean to not let them join in the hunting. They were good sports and helped the neighbors hide eggs. We have some great neighbors that set this up. Everyone donates 10 eggs per kid and a few of the moms hide them. Then each kid goes home with that many and all the families gather for a pot luck after. It was a bit chilly - thanks Idaho.
Kids still had a ball. Had to post this pix. Our Bishop(local church leader) was cracking himself up. He snuck into the shot, last minute. Ha ha. Maybe I will let the big girls join next year because I felt a little stuffy this year.
This soccer season was the first for our town to have the AYSO program. A friend in the neighborhood had hubby help coach #3's team and ref a little. It was a fun season and our little gal seems to take to it well. She is a runner. Hubby had so much fun, as it is his favorite sport, and signed up for fall and spring for the both of them.
Look, I took so many pictures. Yup, this is it...
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Catch up post...
Hubby found this on his phone and sent it over. It's Christmas time in the video...Pretty fun....
Friday, June 22, 2012
Natalie's Flute Concert
A little ballerina performance as a added plus.
Hot Water Heater...
Anybody need an old water heater? Ya, we have one. The warrenty is for 6 years and it is 6 years and 3 months old so of course it broke. There is a glass saftey feature that broke but we are not sure why or how. We debated on what to do and finally came decided that buying a new one would be cost effective in the long run. It went out sometime Thursday and by that night we were well aware that cold water was all there was in the house. Of course that was the night we had a neighborhood weeding party. I have to say, two nights without hot water was enough of a "trek" and I am so thankful I am not a pioneer. Wonder-hubby took his Saturday to put in a new one and the old one is sitting on the porch, waiting for you to come pick it up...
Dress Day 2012
Every spring grandpa takes all the little ladies in the family and shops us all over the mall. He buys the girls fancy dresses for Easter. They try dresses on at all the shops and then they get to pick their favorite one. They usually pick a fun thing out at Clair's (a shop little girls jewelry shop.) We finish up the day by meeting up with the boys for lunch. It is a full day that the kids look forward to each year. Wouldn't you?
Monday, June 11, 2012
Getting ready for "Camp-act-a-lot"
We are having the second annual "Camp-act-alot" where all the neighbor hood kids come over and practice all week and then we perform on Friday night. I am just doing a little research for today. This is about the level we are on.....Wish me luck....
Friday, June 8, 2012
Christmas Time...Catch up post...
Reading Week...Catch up post...
My worm! I am not the brain behind it but I did put it together and just wanted to put up a pix if I have to do it again. Plus, I am proud of it. Me and a neighbor went and covered the gym with big worm bodies as the kids turned in their numbers for reading week. We have an amazing bunch of ladies that do bunches of stuffs for our kiddos. It was fun to help out, although, I could take a pass on the daily "body building"...
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