Monday, November 12, 2012
The Civility Experiment
Life is perfect for none of us. Rather than being judgmental and critical of each other may we have the pure love of Christ for our fellow travelers in this journey through life. - President Thomas S. Monson
Flea Market Fun
I love THIS flea market! I went with a friend earlier this month and bought some bunting. A big one and a small one and have loved having them hang around. Then I even took a pattern and made some up for the YW activity #1 is in charge of this week. I will have to post pix after we get that all set up. (And brag about her cuz I am so proud)...I am going through a phase. You know, the one where I get rid of everything. I am cleaning out but I am also trying to pull together the rest of my rooms and finish decorating. I am simplifying and putting up what I love. Not what I got for free or what I think is cool because my friend loves it. What I LOVE...Plus, I am finally coming to terms with the fact that I will probably never move again. It is a wonderful feeling but I have been hanging onto a few things for that bigger house. We just don't have room for it all and some of the things will just never work. It is so freeing to not call anyone, ask anyone else, just decide what I want and what I don't. It probably sounds pretty silly to most, but it is a step to a healthier me and I am so happy to see it and be it!
I will post pix of my bunting soon but in the meantime...go look at the White Place Flea Market......
I will post pix of my bunting soon but in the meantime...go look at the White Place Flea Market......
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Any Body Want One?
I am cleaning out and need to downsize... Anybody know anybody that wants to make an offer on our crib???
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Monday, November 5, 2012
Happy Birthday...
# 5 turned 1 and is oh-so-cute as ever. Here are some shots of her when Grandma and Grandpa came up to party and she got to open a present. Don't ask why we didn't get a shot of her with the Grandparents. We were too distracted by her cuteness, I suppose.
Mustache Mania
She found it on the counter (a leftover from Halloween) so if course she slapped it on and we were all giggling....
Friday, November 2, 2012
She Scores!!!
What a second season...This kid can kick and she had a ball. What is the metal for? Well, you know, everybody gets one. I have to say, I love this stage. She doesn't care that everyone got one, she just loves hers. She doesn't really care what the score is, as long as she is kicking goals, she feels like they won. The girls are all so sweet at this age and I loved the mommy time with the other ladies. It was a fun season and I am her biggest fan! This season she was on the "Plums" team and they would cheer, "Don't squish the plums!" before running out on the field. We had a great coach and great team and just loved it all. The Mr. loved reffing and being involved. He is happy to live through #3 a little. He will be a soccer all star in his next life...
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Primary Program
We had the primary program a few weeks ago. So sweet. I snapped a few shots of them at their practice. They invited up Mr's folks who came and supported and we had a wonderful time watching these ladies up on the stand. This was #2's last program. She was hoping for one of the longer parts like she had last year. Turned out that she needed to do about three extra parts for missing kids and pulled it off really well. Her primary pres even called to tell me that she was an answer to her prayers. She also said that she cried a little when #4 did her part. :) I love the age #4 is right now. 4. It's my fav. She is so fubsy...All three ladies did lovely and it was wonderful to be there. Good for them to review the year of teaching and good for us to feel the spirit.
Career Day...
#2 had career day
Activity Days had a Career day and #2 went as TAMI - yup, the one and only...Tami has been the most amazing hair lady I have ever met. Sure, she makes us all look fab, but she also fills our cup with love the whole time anyone is in her chair. #2 had a kick dressing up and I wouldn't idealize anyone more...PLUS - this kid really does have some crazy talent and I hire her up to do hair whenever I can...SOOO FUN. Love her Activity Day Leaders - they do a bang up job.

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