I love THIS flea market! I went with a friend earlier this month and bought some bunting. A big one and a small one and have loved having them hang around. Then I even took a pattern and made some up for the YW activity #1 is in charge of this week. I will have to post pix after we get that all set up. (And brag about her cuz I am so proud)...I am going through a phase. You know, the one where I get rid of everything. I am cleaning out but I am also trying to pull together the rest of my rooms and finish decorating. I am simplifying and putting up what I love. Not what I got for free or what I think is cool because my friend loves it. What I LOVE...Plus, I am finally coming to terms with the fact that I will probably never move again. It is a wonderful feeling but I have been hanging onto a few things for that bigger house. We just don't have room for it all and some of the things will just never work. It is so freeing to not call anyone, ask anyone else, just decide what I want and what I don't. It probably sounds pretty silly to most, but it is a step to a healthier me and I am so happy to see it and be it!
I will post pix of my bunting soon but in the meantime...go look at the White Place Flea Market......
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